
Welcome to exploring our Classical Hatha Yoga Programs ...

Equip yourself with simple tools from the ancient science for modern living. These tools will support you to overhaul your physical and mental fitness, putting you firmly in the driver's seat of your life ... so you can live your life to the max.

A series of dynamic processes rooted in yoga, to reinvigorate the body and reach peak physical fitness. “ Angamardana ” means to achieve complete complete mastery of the limbs, organs and other parts of the body. It doesn't need any fitness equipment.
Bhuta Shuddhi
Bhuta Shuddhi means “purification of the five elements” (i.e. earth, water, fire, air and space) which gets to root of imbalances in the body that lead to disease. This simple practice which you can do daily reorganizes your system on the elemental level.
Yogasanas are a way of aligning the inner system and adjusting it to the celestial geometry, becoming in sync with the existence, thus naturally achieving a state of health, joy, bliss and above all balance.

Certified Yoga Professionals

Classical Hatha Yoga Instructors – Trained by Sadhguru

Hear From our Participants

Participants who have attended Yoga Programs with us

Jacopo G.

“… molto impattante, soprattutto a livello delle mie abitudini. Volevo smettere di fumare, ad esempio, ed ho smesso di fumare !”

Giorgio T.
Studente di Filosofia e Scrittore

“… il mio corpo risponde in maniera più immediata, più precisa. Si parte sempre dal corpo, è la base, il mattone fondamentale che non possiamo saltare, ”

Alessandro B.
Agente Immobiliare

“Ci sono 25enni che non riescono a comprendere come io faccia ad avere così tanta energia e io dico sempre che la risposta è semplice, sta nello yoga ! ”

Frequently Asked Questions

No, each topic will be taught from the ground up and requires no prior knowledge.
Three days of focused learning, but you can always break it down to smaller segments and study when you have the time.
A team of digital marketing specialists and experts have composed this course based on current day tactics and their real-world professional experience.
You will learn how each major digital channel functions, how to build multi-channel campaigns and the basics of conversion optimization. These pillars of marketing can easily boost your ROI considerably.
If your experience is focused on a single marketing channel or a single type of activity, yes! Learning how the rest of your marketing ecosystem works can yield great results and optimization opportunities.
At this time the course is available only in the English language, with a focus on US and EU marketing ecosystems.

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